martes, 22 de julio de 2008

Capitulo 4... ALELUYA!!!! :)

Srry ke duramos una eternidad. Es la distancia…le pusimos mucho trabajo si, aki va…spaero ke les guste….!!1 :D


A- creo ke…… vamos a alzar hasta tu habitacion???
M- En tus sueños. Ella no c dejaría y no me lo perdonaria nunca.
A- Entonces kedense aki!!
A- Segurísimo.!!! :D sera un plazer.

Asi ke abrimos el sofa-cama y movimos a Ingrid en el y yo me acosté al lado. Adolph se entaba kedando donrmido mientras nos traía las sábanas. Cogió una silla y se sentó al lado mío. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos----pues, yo ya estaba dormida. Lo ultimo ke sentí fue una leve caricia en mi mejilla.

Ya había amanecido y al parecer fui la última en despertarme. Fui a buscar a Ingrid y a Adolph pero para mi sorpresa, los vi apunto de besarse. Mi mandibula llegó hasta el suelo y me eche a llorar.
-ya, calmate, no llores ke te van a oir. (me dije)
Me les kedé viendo por un gran rato detrás de la puerta pero por suerte…..ya no hubieron mas besos. KE ALIVIO.

I- oye, Adolph?
A- si?????
I-Alguien está detrás de la puerta!
A-Mier@#$%@@!!! Malditos periodistas ke nunca nos dejan en paz ni un segundo. C las van a ver conmigo.

Vino corriendo hacia mi con fúria ke me causo escalofrios. En vez de decirle ke era yo, salí corriendo……….el peor error possible en este momento.

A- pare gallina. O me tienes miedo???
M- cual miedo sino cariño!!
A- Cariño mi abuela. No me lo trago ni en broma maldito periodista.

“Para Mafe, dile ke eres tu”
Paré y di media vuelta. Lo único ke me dio tiempo de decir fue: DE MALDITO NO TENGO NADA!!! Y sentí un golpe en mi cabeza y caí redonda al suelo. Adolph se kedo paralizado y la cara ke puso fue como para tomarle una foto……jijiji

A- Ppppp…..perdon!!! pense ke eras…
M- un maldito periodista eh???
A- eske pense ke seguias dormida y esto es muy comun para mi…pero fue sin kerer. DISCULPA enserio…!
M- Disculpa aceptada maldito famoso..!XD

Nos dimos un abrazo, el cual yo sentí ke duró por siempre.


I- Hum, Ghum!!!!!

Me aclaré la garganta y Adolph y Mafe por fin c separaron.

I- creo ke ya nos tenemos ke ir a nuestra habitacion!!! MUXAS GRACIAS!!! <3
A- con todo gusto!
M- uyyyyyyyyyyy si cierto…ya llegamos a Alemania y no hemos hecho la maleta…….ADIOS!!

Adolph le guiñió el ojo a Mafe mientras nos alejabamos.
Mafe y yo nos apresuramos a la habitacion y al llegar a la habitacion, esta pekeña jovencita y yo teniamos ke hablar.

I- Mafe??
M- siiiiiiii??? (dijo con una voz inofenciva)
I- porke rayos nos espiabas? CELOSA!
M- no es eso! Eske me desperté y los oí. Fui a ver ke hacian y los vi a los dos apunto de dares un beso.
I- a ke no….beso??? con Adolph??? Y entonces para ke exciste Tom?!?!?!?!
M- buen punto!! XD
I- yo creo ke llegaste en el momento ekivocado………solo hablabamos….o quiza me conto un sectreto o algo asi….
M- te creo pero…de ke hablaban???
I- jajajaj…..metiche!!!!
M- dime porfa!!!!! (me hizo los ojitos de perrito y no me pude resistir)
I- mira, como nosotras somos turistas aki, él nos invitó a kedarnos en su casa mientras participamos en el concurso. En nuestro tiempo libre, mientras no ensallamos, él nos dará un tour por ALEMANIA y si tenemos suerte, a conocer a su hermano y sus 4 mejores amigos!!
M- como desearía ke esos 4 amigos fueran Bill, Tom, Georg y Gustav….L

La mirécon una cara ke, creo yo, ke entendió ke si eran ellos porke al instante empezó a gritar de felicidad!!!!!! J


miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

italia y la prensa!!!- esta en ingles....!!!

* Q: Want to say 'hello' to the audience?
Bill: Hello to all who are watching! *
Q: Welcome to Modena. He wanted to know if you've already seen the city, how you're spending your tour-days.
Bill: Sadly not. We just arrived two or three hours before and came directly to the venue, so we didn't see anything of the city. And I regret to say that directly after this concert, we go on to the next town... right now, we're a bit in festival-stress. But what we see from here is that it's extremely hot and great weather and our fans are rocking, so we're happy to be here.
* Q: There's the rumor that 60,000 € were stolen from the concert in Rome?
Tom: When I look at my bank account, I'd say that's quite possible ;-)... But no, I've not heard of this, not really?!*
Q: He says you don't have to be afraid, he won't start asking questions about your hair.
Bill: That's very kind.*
Q: *Gives over the TRL award for best band*
Bill: We want to thank our fans, all those who voted for us. Thank you for this award, we're very proud and we look forward to our concert and our fans, so, thank you very much, we're extremely happy. Thanks.*
Q: So, who gets to keep these awards? Or do you just throw them away?
Bill: I just said it: Looks like we again only get one, but we're four, and we can't divide it up... and I just said: Tom and I definitely will take this one home, so it'll stand in our cupboard, among all the other nice awards, so that it won't be lonely. So, they always get a place of honor.*
Q: From the outside, you look very "compact", very friendly among each other. When you have time, do you go out to party together in the evening? Are you together outside of the band, also?Bill: We definitely are always doing things together. I can hardly think of days in the year where we were apart, because we've known each other for 8 years now, I think we are, like, the closest friends. So, we really make every step together... it doesn't just look like it, that's really how it is...
Tom: However, I have to say: Private parties, there I rather go on my own, without the other guys, because, when I go out with Georg, it happens often that the girls only care about Georg...
Georg: ...for good reason...
Tom: I always go out alone now, then I now and then also have the chance to score.

parte 2

* Q: It's so hot. Do you sweat?
Bill: You have to see us on stage! We're basically melting away...
Tom: Bill has extreme ass-water, one has to say... *Bill punches him**
Q: *Something about the hair*
Bill: I thought you didn't want to ask me about my hair ;-) ?
* Q: True! Sorry.
* Q: All kinds of people are screaming after you, everybody wants to touch you. What would you do if you were invisible for half an hour?
Bill: Good question. I definitely would trip a thousand people in the streets and stuff, and would...
Tom: Well, I ...
Georg: I'd go to Jessica Alba!
Tom: Yeah! I'd do things that you'd have to beep out, and since we're live on air, I won't say it.* Q: How are things with the new album?
Bill: Right now, we're in the studio like crazy. Tom and I are constantly writing songs, and we all are in the studio, always in between the festivals we definitely are there a lot, we shut ourselves in and write new material, and just play together, that also often leads to new things... yeah, we're really creative right now, but we cannot say yet when it will be out. We're working on it, and...
Tom: will be amazing! It will so blow you away!
* Q: When you sing one of your greatest hits on stage, do you ever look at one person, only one person in the eyes, at one girl and focus on here with your eyes?
Bill: Definitely! There certainly are moments, especially in the first rows, you have many girls that you sing to, that you watch closely during the whole concert...
Tom: There are certain tricks to get attention, ja?! And even today we talked about this *Georg laughs*, it hasn't happened for a long time now that a girl went topless, ja...
Georg: ...pity, actually...
Tom: It hasn't happened forever, and I really don't know what happened, but... maybe it will happen again, who knows.
* Q: Have you learned a new Italian word, besides your favorite "vaffanculo"?
Bill: Um... no...
* Q: Could you imagine a life without music? What would you have done if this hadn't happened?Bill: Nothing... We'd have stood in small clubs, we'd still have made music, because we couldn't imagine a life without music. I always was convinced that some day we'd make it, that we'd play on big stages - though I wouldn't have dreamed that they would be so big. But I always hoped that I would at least be able to make a living with music, and I gave everything for that.
Tom: Maybe stripper, as a part-time job. But apart from that... definitely more focus on the music.

domingo, 13 de julio de 2008


bueno, perdon ke desde hace ya rato no ponemos nada pero eske con lo de la vacas y el a habido tiempo de nada....pero uno de estos dias, no c cuando, mafe y yo nos vamos a juntar y pues......poner tiempo para el fic.....y otras cosas......!!! :D bueno......tengo unas fotillos ahi de uno de los conciertos de la gira 1000 oceans......en vrda no c cual de todos los concierto, pero bill c ve..........bueno............espectacular!!!!! <3>